Shameless New York Cop Arrested After Fabricating Shooting and Blaming It on a ‘Black Man or Dark-Skinned Hispanic Man,’ Defense Attorney Blames Mental Health
Forum Talkby Toter 1 month ago 66 Views 0 comments
From the very beginning, investigators were suspicious of New York State trooper Thomas J. Mascia’s account of being shot in the leg by a dark-skinned man driving a Dodge Charger last year.
After all, investigators found nine shell casings at the scene of the shooting but no evidence of any rounds other than the one that ended up in his kneecap. There were also no bullet holes in his patrol car or the guard rail next to the median where he claimed the car had been parked.
And there was also no evidence of a Dodge Charger matching the description and license plate number on the Southern State Parkway in the area of Exit 17 at the time of the shooting, according to “license plate readers and other technology that can help them track vehicles,” reported the Times-Union.
New York State Trooper Thomas Mascia claimed he had been shot by either a “Black man or dark-skinned Hispanic Man” and has been arrested for fabricating the story. The photo on the left shows him leaving the hospital in November to applause from fellow cops. The photo on the right shows him being arrested Monday morning. (Photos: Facebook)
Furthermore, Mascia did not...