Spiritually Speaking:Personals

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Do you know many people who claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Maybe they say they know the Holy Spirit intimately. Do you claim this? I suspect we all want to. Now, if you’re going to be honest, how many people do you know who really have that kind of spiritual connection? I think it’s pretty easy to understand the concept. However, I believe it is more than a notion to achieve if you use the natural world as your reference point.We have all had, at one time or another, a very personal relationship with another person. They are wonderful, at times painful, and at other times seemingly very traumatic. But make no mistake about it. They have been and are considered by you as extremely personal. In many cases, these relationships shape our character and define us as human beings, good and bad. Not only do deeply personal relationships define us, but they can also set our lives on a road we sometimes would otherwise choose not to go down. Your relationships with your mother or father, brother or sister, family member, ex-lover, ex-spouse, or best friend can and do leave lasting impressions branded on your...