St. Louis Reparations Commission delivers full report to mayor’s office

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St. Louis has a deep history of racial injustice. The St. Louis Reparations Commission found some of those injustices are still happening today. ST. LOUIS — The St. Louis Reparations Commission has delivered their final report to Mayor Tishaura Jones. For the past year and a half, they’ve held 27 listening sessions all across the city. The Reparations Commission was tasked with assessing the history of slavery, segregation and other race-based harms in St. Louis. Its 124-page report details how the city can do better to improve the lives of black St. Louisans. “We have two categories for recommendations restitution-oriented and policy-oriented,” Reparations Commission Vice Chair Dr. Will Ross said. The commission heard from the public and has now made recommendations in several key areas. Below are direct excerpts from the report. Housing and neighborhood development Restitution:  Establish a fund to provide housing grants to descendants of enslaved people and residents of historically redlined neighborhoods.  Launch programs that provide financial assistance for homeownership, home repair, and property tax relief in historically disadvantaged areas.  Allocate land for affordable housing developments specifically benefiting Black residents impacted by discriminatory practices. Offer a grant for Black homeowners in historically disinvested neighborhoods that provides resources...