Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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By Bryan Jenkins One of things I looked forward to most, when I turned 18, was having the right to vote. It was a big deal!… the source of boisterous discussions in my high school civics classes. Heck, people had even died for the right to vote! We were in awe and excited over the new responsibility! Now, I’m 66 and I can’t stop tossing and turning over what today’s elected officials are doing to undermine our trust in voting – the lynchpin of American democracy! I wish they’d STOP TELLING AMERICAN VOTERS NOT TO TRUST OUR SYSTEM OF ELECTIONS!& & & & & Let’s be clear… NO ONE HAS PRODUCED ANY PROOF OF ANY AMOUNT OF FRAUD THAT WOULD HAVE CHANGED THE OUTCOME OF THE 2020 ELECTION!& So says former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr… appointed by former fraud-complainer-in-chief, Donald Trump and former U.S. Cyber Security Chief Kris Krebs… also appointed by Donald Trump. Let’s remember, judges across the country – democrat and republican – tossed out some 60 lawsuits claiming fraud, ruling that those lawsuits had no basis in fact… that they were essentially “bogus”.& & & & & In Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, everywhere votes were recounted...