Students taught difference between street art and graffiti


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A town arts society funded a college event which taught students about the difference between graffiti and street art. A hands-on workshop was held at Stamford College by Doug Gillen, a freelance filmmaker and blogger specialising in street art and graffiti culture. He covered its history and origins, legality and the reasons people do it and the modern popularisation of the activity. The town arts society worked with Stamford College on a street art project The event was funded by the Stamford Arts Society, which was keen to promote the understanding and appreciation of different types of art with the younger generation. Committee member, Lesley Purcell, said ‘’Doug was excellent – he encouraged the students to look closely at how street art changes the feeling of a place and the messages and challenges to our perceptions it can bring.’’ Students drew and constructed stencils A graffiti board could be installed at a skatepark to provide a place for young people to express their creativity. Do you have a story? Email