‘Take a Hint, He Isn’t Wanted Here’: Kyle Rittenhouse to Make Another Appearance at University of Memphis Where Student Protesters Drove Him from Campus Last Year 

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Nearly a year after his contentious and turbulent visit to the University of Memphis, Kyle Rittenhouse is preparing for another speaking event at the campus next month. According to event information on the college website, the 22-year-old gun rights activist is slated to speak at the University of Memphis’ journalism school on Feb. 26 about “his experiences and the importance of our Second Amendment rights.” Kyle Rittenhouse is seen on the set of “Candace” on January 24, 2022, in Nashville, Tennessee. The Episode will air on Jan. 25, 2022 (Photo by Jason Davis/Getty Images) He was invited by the conservative political organization Turning Point USA (TPUSA), the same group that hosted his visit to the college last March, to speak about “the Second Amendment“ and the “lies of [Black Lives Matter].” Last year’s speaking event at U of M’s Centre Theatre was part of a short, nationwide college tour that featured additional appearances at Western Kentucky University and Kent State University, where the campus communities held large demonstrations to denounce the events. TPUSA chapters at those schools also sponsored those visits. At the University of Memphis, dozens of students who opposed his event showed up to heckle him and volley...