Take action: Amend the second amendment to curb gun violence

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By Jene Galvin <jenegalvin@gmail.com> Guest Columnist Look, just because some old White guys back in the 1700s said it was so, doesn’t mean it should be in 2024. In fact, I’m not even sure they said what some think they did. For example, the right to have a “well-regulated militia,” which the Second Amendment discusses, could simply mean a national or state guard, not that every American can walk around with a gun. But even with a more conservative interpretation, it’s time to stare down the cold reality: our Second Amendment, whatever it says or means, is killing us. And it’s time to change it. The telling stats are everywhere. Or skip the numbers and just follow the media or talk to your family and friends. Guns are killing Americans.  Let’s start with a quick look at some statistics. According to recent Pew Research, about a third of Americans own a gun, often a bunch of them. Another 11% live in a household where a gun is present. Research also says the vast majority of our countrymen and women want way more gun restrictions. Maybe most importantly, guns are the predominant tool for killing, including suicide, in our land.  And...