Tell a different story about Santa this holiday season

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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How can children develop multiple perspectives through stories? Santa image via by Peggy Albers, Georgia State University It is that time of year again: People are dusting off their holiday decorations in order to make their homes and public spaces festive. It is also the time when certain stories and songs are being repeated. Television holiday shows such as “A Charlie Brown Christmas” are almost iconic, with audiences watching them year after year. And the same is true of holiday songs such as “Jingle Bells,” or “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” that are played at almost all stores. Children too are retold the same classic stories like “The Night Before Christmas,” Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” For many of us, these stories and songs have come to define the spirit of the holidays. But, as the cultural diversity in the U.S. increases, scholars are exploring how to discuss with children issues of importance, like race and religion, through stories. The single story In 2009, Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie gave a talk on the danger of a “single story.” She stated that telling a single story – defining a race, religion, culture,...