The Best Exercises For Each Trimester
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 10 months ago 48 Views 0 comments
When you’re pregnant, the focus becomes maintaining a healthy body so you can have an equally healthy baby. One aspect of your overall health that you can’t ignore is having the right exercise routine. Whether or not you were physically active before getting pregnant, it’s essential to keep moving when you’re pregnant.
Best Exercises For Each Trimester
The First Trimester
Butt Press
Start on all fours stacked with a neutral spine, hands in line with shoulders and hips over knees.
Keep your abdominals lifting to the ceiling so your back stays neutral, feeling the sensation of hugging your baby in.
Bend one knee up to the ceiling, pressing through a flexed foot, and return to the start position, pumping through the glutes.
The Second Trimester
Modified Squats
Stand up straight with a fitness ball behind your back against a wall. Put your feet about shoulder-width apart.
Slide down the wall until your knees reach a 90-degree angle. Keep your heels flat on the floor.
If you can’t bend your knees to a 90-degree angle, just go as low as possible. Then go back to the starting position. When you do this exercise, have someone nearby to help if you lose...