Here’s something that may surprise you. Most people suck at managing money regardless of how much money they make. Yep, it’s possible to be good at earning money and terrible at spending, saving and investing money. It’s possible to be both a tightwad and a spendthrift simultaneously. How can one be a tightwad—someone reluctant to spend money and be a spendthrift—someone who spends money in a reckless way? Easy, we all have things that we absolutely refuse to spend or waste money on. Vice versa, we all have something that we’re passionate about, like to indulge in and spend way more than we should on. I like to refer to things that we tend to overindulge on as vices and gross habits. Truth of the matter is, we’re paying high prices for our vices. How not to suck at money really isn’t a math problem. It’s about reconciling our net income with our gross habits.
A year from now or five years from now seems like forever when you’re looking forward. However, when you look backwards, you understand an often-stated truth; time flies. Before you know it, you’re at the age that you once thought was old. In a world...