The Carr Report: They’re out to get YOU!

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Getty Images Stock Photo There’s an expression spoken in Latin; “Caveat Emptor.” In English, it means “Let the Buyer Beware.” In other words, the buyer is responsible for ensuring the goods and services are of good quality and suitable before purchasing.& We, the buyer, must reasonably examine property before we buy it. We, the buyer, are responsible for its condition.& In the automotive industry, you’ll see cars being sold “as is.”& Cars that are sold “as is” come with no warranty, no protection. We, the buyer, are responsible should the car be a piece of junk.& I want you, the potential buyer, to beware that “They’re out to get YOU!” Who are “they?”& That’s an excellent question! In this article, “they” are the marketing geniuses of the world.& From the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep, they will impress upon you and me millions upon millions of marketing messages with one goal in mind! Their goal is to EXTRACT MONEY from your pocket to theirs! They’re winning! Can you hear me now? Those words “Can you hear me now” was just an expression we’d use in the past when someone was having trouble hearing us.&...