The Conservative Right And The New Jim Crow

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By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper Most African Americans know that the term “Jim Crow” represented the personification of segregation in America following Reconstruction as a means of reuniting a post Civil War America. The Jim Crow segregation laws represented the American version of the “separate but equal” doctrine of the then U.S. Supreme Court’s response to Plessy vs. Ferguson Decision which created “separate but equal” for the races in America. The Conservative Right, which is manifesting itself in election officials of the Republican Party and now the United States Supreme Court itself, would seek to roll back all social gains made since the Brown Decision of 1954, which in effect reversed the “separate but equal” Jim Crow doctrine which was further outlawed with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1965. This law and the Voting Rights Act gave new meaning to the “Equal Protection Clause” of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. What we see today in the halls of the United States Congress is a Conservative Right Republican movement that no longer honors the Constitution nor the Oath of Office these people took when they...