The Different Migraine Stages: What Does Your Pain Mean?

Parenting/ Health

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Do you ever wonder what exactly happens during a migraine attack? If you’ve experienced migraines, you know they’re much more than just a headache. They can be incredibly painful and disruptive, often coming in distinct stages that can vary from person to person. Understanding these stages can help you manage your migraines more effectively and seek the right treatment. Can you tell that a migraine is coming? As noted by SELF, about half of people living with migraine will notice certain changes in their bodies before things start to get intense. To fully understand these changes, let’s take a closer look at what each stage of a migraine feels like. 1. Prodrome This stage can begin hours or even days before the actual headache hits. You might notice subtle changes like mood swings, food cravings, or increased thirst. Some people also experience fatigue, neck stiffness, or heightened sensitivity to light and sound. It’s like your body is giving you a heads-up that a migraine is on its way. 2. Aura Not everyone experiences this stage, but if you do, it typically happens right before the headache starts. Auras can manifest as visual disturbances like seeing flashing lights, zigzag lines, or...