THE KATHLYN JOY GILLIAM MUSEUM “South Dallas Gilliam Debaters Do It Again!”

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On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. – the Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Museum “South Dallas Gilliam Debate Team” won both rounds of competition at the Atlanta Urban Debate League Tournament (elementary competition). NOTE: Two teams of three and each team won both rounds! The tournament is sponsored each year by Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. This would be the Dallas team’s first competition since COVID. The debate program has been in existence since 2016. Each year of participation, they have come home with winning teams. This year they continue the tradition! The 2023-2024 debate team members are Matthew Cash Hill; Jayce Allen Dabney; Ella Grace Najm; Savannah Louise Lewis; Jackson Ellington Yates and Claudette Pounders. All of the debaters are from the South Dallas community. This year the students were asked to come up with a plan to “reduce human-caused climate change.” The South Dallas Gilliam Debaters developed a campaign to get children involved in climate change. They call it the “Get it Right On Using Light” campaign. Their plan was precise and is very easy to do. They offered suggestions such as reducing the use of electricity; keeping home and business temperatures regulated; unplugging vampire devices and using...