The problem with our schools

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Camike Jones The problem with our schools is that we have yet to acknowledge the real problem. The schools are merely a reflection of our society at large – of us. Yes, us meaning me and you. The changes we see in schools hold up a mirror to the changes we see across our country. The backlash against diversity, equity and inclusion is happening in the courtroom, state house and in the classroom. The book bans show the efforts of some Americans to keep themselves comfortable while other students remain uncomfortable. Some people prefer to keep the achievements and culture of Black, Latinx and Asian American children left out of the school curriculum altogether, even if it means an inaccurate telling of history that leads to bias and discrimination in the future. It feels like the diversification of classroom materials was just getting started. Now, those strides are being quickly reversed. We were only beginning to learn about the atrocities that took place from this country’s founders and the lengths they were willing to go to acquire this land. Soon we will be right back to, “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” The lack of resources available to students...