Dr. Cameual Wright
Embarking on a journey towards a healthy lifestyle begins at home, and integrating sports at an early age can be a transformative approach for families. However, this integration does not come without its challenges.
The discussion surrounding the barriers to health in urban environments is multifaceted. Barriers including poverty, unemployment, lack of transportation and limited access to greenspaces are all contributing factors. Research from a national study found 16 percent of youth aged 6 – 19 years old are overweight and those living in rural areas are at greater risk for physical inactivity and obesity. Food deserts are also a massive barrier in urban areas, often depriving families of access to fresh produce. When looking at barriers on an individual level, it is important to note the prevalence of chronic diseases.& & &
As a nonprofit managed care entity, CareSource makes a concerted effort to invest in communities and support what is needed within those environments, providing funding and volunteer assistance. The support of community sporting leagues – such as the Indiana Pacers and Indiana University – and events, such as sports camps are ways to begin to break down those barriers, providing young people with a...