The Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Kujichagulia (Day 2)
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 4 days ago 9 Views 0 comments
The second day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to the second principle of the festivities. While there are a few similarities in how it’s celebrated, you’ll find that there are also some important differences.
Day 2 of Kwanzaa: Kujichagulia
Kujichagulia is defined as self-determination and this principle is built around determining how your actions will bring about the future you want.
On day two of Kwanzaa, people are pledging “to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.” To underscore the importance of Kujichagulia, the founder of the Kwanzaa tradition had this to say about the principle:
“In a time in which occupation and oppression of countries and peoples are immediately presented as necessary and even salvational, the principle of Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) rejects this and reaffirms the rights of persons and peoples to determine their own destiny and daily lives; to live in peace and security and to flourish in freedom everywhere.” – Dr. Maulana Karenga
It’s not uncommon for those who practice this principle to make decisions based on it. For example, you may decide that part of your self-determination will include no longer doing activities that don’t contribute to the growth of yourself and your community....