The Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Ujamaa (Day 4)
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 2 days ago 13 Views 0 comments
The fourth day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to celebrating the fourth principle. On this day, you’ll focus on more external applications of what you’ve learned so far during the festivities.
Day 4 of Kwanzaa: Ujamaa
The principle of Ujamaa focuses on the benefits of cooperative economics. Those who practice Ujamaa often pledge “to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.” According to the founder of Kwanzaa, the fourth principle deals with “shared wealth and work”, “a commitment to the practice of shared social wealth and the work necessary to achieve it” and “a sharing of wealth and work in the manner of a family.”
For practical purposes, that translates to finding ways to build and support Black businesses in the community. While you may start your own business, it’s also common to find other businesses to support. In the pursuit of building wealth, you may participate in a neighborhood partner plan that’s aimed at helping each other accomplish their financial goals.
If you look even closer at Dr. Karenga’s vision of Ujamaa, you’ll find even more ways to apply it to your life. He proposes the practice of economic self-reliance as...