Therapeutic Mini Ponies Bring Joy To Hospitals And Care Homes
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By George Mathias
Meet the pint-sized ponies visiting hospitals, schools and care homes – providing therapeutic cuddles for those in need.
Owner Sarah Woodland, 42, was gifted two mini Shetland ponies in the summer of 2022 by a friend.
Poppy, 16, and Tinks, 17, stand at just 30 inches tall and love being stroked and fussed over.
Sarah started doing private one-to-one enrichment sessions with the pair before deciding to visit a local care home with them to encourage residents connect with the animals.
The session went so well she decided to make them both therapy ponies – to provide comfort and interaction to people who need it – and now she takes them into special schools, hospitals and care homes.
Sarah, who runs Dinky Ponies, from Oxfordshire, said: “It’s the touch and the communication – seeing and interacting with the ponies is a form of communication for...