This 3-Step Routine Helps Control Post-Workout Psoriasis Flare-ups

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 41 Views 0 comments

Regular exercise is a great way to keep stress at bay and weight in check, both of which may help control psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin condition that shows up as dry, itchy patches anywhere on the body that can also burn or hurt. Its cause is mysterious to scientists, but studies point to an over-active immune system that speeds up cell growth as related.  It’s not contagious and is usually triggered by external triggers (varies from person to person). There are more than 7.5 million U.S. adults who suffer from psoriasis (three percent of the entire population), many of which use diet and exercise to manage flare-ups but at the same time, strenuous exercising can also trigger symptoms.  One woman who maintains an active lifestyle, who shared her personal psoriasis story on Healthline, says she manages her psoriasis but admits it’s not always easy. “At the time of my diagnosis, I was 15 years old and involved in a busy schedule of extracurricular activities. I played varsity lacrosse, took jazz and tap-dancing classes, and danced on my high school kickline team. And I didn’t want to quit any of it. It was a challenge to learn how to coexist...