This Week In Black History October 9-15, 2024

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1945:& Jesse James Payne was lynched in Madison County, Florida OCTOBER 9 1806—Benjamin Banneker dies in Ellicott Mills, Md., at age 74. Banneker was a brilliant math­ematician with a great memory and is credited with completing the layout and design of Wash­ington, D.C. 1823—Mary Ann Shad is born. She becomes publisher of Can­ada’s first anti-slavery newspa­per—The Provincial Freeman. In fact, she is the first woman in the U.S. or Canada to edit and pub­lish a newspaper. 1962—The east African nation of Uganda becomes indepen­dent from British rule. 1984—W. Wilson Goode makes history by becoming the first Black mayor of Philadelphia, Pa. 2009—In a move which sur­prised just about everyone, Pres­ident Barack Obama is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Obama had been in office for less than 9 months at this time last year but the Nobel Committee in Oslo, Norway, said it was impressed by his “promise” of disarmament and diplomacy. OCTOBER 10 1778—What is believed to be the first formal school for Blacks— the Africa Free School—opens in New York City. 1899—Black inventor Isaac Johnson patents the bicycle frame. 1901—Frederick Douglass Pat­terson is born. He grows up to become President of Fisk Univer­sity in Nashville, Tenn. From there he...