Tips for planning a stress-free NYE party based on your personality

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By Cynthia Rebolledo Hosting the perfect New Year’s Eve party can feel daunting, and despite plenty of lists detailing party planning tips, they don’t necessarily consider people’s natural personalities. Everyone parties differently, so Peerspace compiled a list for hosting a New Year’s Eve party based on the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. The KTS divides people into four temperaments—the artisan, the guardian, the idealist, and the rational—to help people better understand themselves and others. Each individual’s temperament has unique qualities, challenges, and strengths—from how they communicate to how they often act to various sets of characteristic attitudes, values, and talents. Guardians, for example, don’t do well with spontaneity and chaos, so assigning guests what to bring to the party or ways to help would benefit them and keep things organized. They make up nearly half (45%) of the entire population. Artisans, on the other hand, relish spontaneity and are quick to adapt and use their creativity. About a third of the world (30%) identifies as artisans. Understanding your type might help you feel prepared and give you a sense of comfort when holiday hosting duties arise. A holiday party should be a wonderful time to celebrate with friends and family stress-free. Read...