Trade Secrets: How Trump Outmaneuvers the Left
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 2 months ago 43 Views 0 comments
The following article, Trade Secrets: How Trump Outmaneuvers the Left, was first published on The Black Sphere.
One of the campaign mantras by Leftists is that tariffs don’t work. Nothing works if you allow an idiot to manage it. And you’d be hard-pressed to find a competent person in the Biden administration. Actually almost any Democrat administration for that matter.
As usual, Leftists dismiss solutions that work because they’re too busy clinging to their ineffective policies. And when your specialty is chaos, solutions are the last thing you want.
Remember when Democrats screeched that President Trump’s plan to impose 25% tariffs on goods was essentially a tax on Americans? Turns out, Trump doesn’t use tariffs as just a revenue tool, but in fact as a strategic weapon.
Trump’s tariffs weren’t about economic isolation—they were about leveraging America’s market power to negotiate better deals and, more importantly, to protect U.S. interests.
A Masterclass in the Art of the Deal
Does anybody miss the idea of a President Kamala? Only the more ardent Democrat (idiot) would want Harris as POTUS, while watching President Trump work. To witness Trump at work is akin to watching Bobby Fischer play chess with novices.
Each tariff...