Treating the Treatment: 6 Ways to Overcome Side Effects of Breast Cancer Treatments

Parenting/ Health

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As if breast cancer isn’t formidable enough, sometimes the treatments can feel like their own unique battle! For Black women facing these challenges, the fight may be even tougher. Due to higher rates of severe symptoms, side effects, and advanced prognoses, Black breast cancer patients often have a difficult road.   In fact, Black women are more likely to get diagnosed when they’re younger and more likely to have bad reactions to treatment protocols. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be all gloom and doom. If you or someone you know is struggling with the treatments (i.e., chemo) of breast cancer, don’t despair! There are many things you can do to address these issues and reclaim that normal-life feeling again. Here are six ways to beat the side effects of breast cancer. RELATED: New! A Cooling Cap to Reduce Chemo-Linked Hair Loss 1. Wigs, Scarves, and Cold Caps Hair loss is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most devastating. After all, who wants to see their hair fall out? But here’s the good news. If hair loss is crushing your self-esteem and hurting your identity, you have options.  Consider getting a high-quality wig...