Two Girls, Motorcyclist Injured In Castries Road Incident

Caribbean and World News

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Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency personnel rushed two young females to hospital after a motorcycle struck them on the John Compton Highway on Wednesday. The motorcyclist also sustained injuries. Emergency responders received a distress call at about 3:19 pm. One of the girls sustained a broken leg and other injuries, while the other suffered injuries to the head and body lacerations. An eyewitness told St. Lucia Times that the two girls, aged about ten and students of the Camille Henry Memorial School, were about to step onto the pedestrian crossing. According to the eyewitness, whom we shall call John Doe due to a request for anonymity, vehicles traveling in both directions came to a halt. “The bike was coming from behind a van that was coming from Castries and stopped. He (the motorcyclist)  pop the bike and when he realise the vehicle stop, he put down the wheel and crash into the vehicle that stop for the students,” Doe stated. He recalled that the motorcyclist lost control, hit the young students on the sidewalk, and collided with a minibus. Doe said one of the girls was bleeding from the mouth and nose. He said the motorcyclist, who was not...