Using Uncomfortable Times As a Catalyst for Growth

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Discomfort can be the price we pay for growth. And at some point, life demands we invest in our growth, rather than being comfortable and doing it our way all the time. Let me show you how this plays out in practical terms: Let’s say you have had a major disagreement with a partner on how to proceed on a project that you are collaborating on for work. Well, you traditionally would handle a disagreement by cutting off the person and never speaking to them again or, at least, putting distance between the two of you. But since your paycheck – and a possible promotion – hinge on this collaboration, you know that avoiding your co-worker is not an option. Life demands we invest in growth, rather than being comfortable and doing it our way all the time. (Adobe Stock) So, although it won’t be easy, it will be necessary to work through your differences to complete the project and demonstrate your skills to your management team (which could lead to promotion). Here’s another example. How many of you… whenever you come upon a stressful situation…. soothe yourself by eating sweet treats or grabbing some other snack? Going for those...