Voting is necessary to maintain our democracy

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 49 Views 0 comments

There has probably never been a more urgent time in our history as a nation to exercise one’s constitutional right to vote. The stakes are too high not to vote when you look at what direction this country may be encountering. We have a choice in maintaining a democracy or face what many fear as fascism. Fascism is an extreme right totalitarian form of government where one ruler or single party holds most of the country’s power. The country is ruled by a dictator with absolute control over the lives of the people. This is literally a nightmare when you have been blessed with a democratic form of government granting the people some control over their lives. You can throw the term “A government of the people, by the people and for the people,” out the window. Surely, regardless of our varying political views, we can set aside our personal differences and vote for what is in the best interest of this country, hoping we don’t learn and regret how good we had it. No, our country is far from being perfect, but as it stands now, we can appreciate and take pride that we have some say in the...