Want to Reverse Learning Loss? Hire More Tutors
News Talk
By Aziah Siid | Word In Black
(WIB) – Nearly two years after students have returned to full in-person learning, teachers and administrators have been frustrated by “learning loss” — a decline in knowledge, skills and ability among students whose education was disrupted by the COVID 19 pandemic.
But a new study shows that intensive, in-school tutoring can help students significantly improve their math skills, overcoming pandemic-related learning loss even in diverse academic settings.
The study, conducted jointly by the University of Chicago Education Lab and MDRC, an education non-profit, found that concentrated instruction during the school day — as opposed to “ad-hoc,” after-school or intermittent tutoring — can lead to “large and positive effects on student learning in math.”
“We are excited to see growing evidence supporting the effectiveness of high dosage tutoring,” Kevin Huffman, CEO of Accelerate, one of the participants in this study, said in a statement. He says the early results are promising, although a companion study on reading is still under way.
“While this research is ongoing, it is important for school leaders and school system leaders to have access to interim reports as they continue to make hard decisions about how to address disparities...