Watch TikToker Go Viral After Revealing Why Most Of These NFL Draft Prospects Are “Dating White Women”
Sports & Entertainment Storiesby Toter 8 months ago 124 Views 0 comments
Did you know that most of the NFL draft prospects are in relationships with white women? It’s a staggering statistic that has caught the attention of many. But why is this trend so prevalent? One TikToker has decided to tackle this controversial topic head-on, shedding light on the reasons behind this dating preference.The Socials exploded with backlash after the TikToker’s video went viral. Many expressed shock and disbelief at the controversial comments about NFL draft prospects’ dating choices. The video quickly garnered thousands of shares and comments, sparking heated debates online. During the most recent NFL Draft in Detroit, social media was buzzing as athletes showed up to the red carpet event with their girlfriends and family. Many of the incoming NFL rookies were African-American and were spotted with white women, which has become the usual theme for years. The same thing happens with the NBA Draft.This year, the discourse on the NFL Draft and NBA Draft has gotten even louder as African-American women openly pondered why so many of the players never have a partner that is the same race as them.One guy on TikTok decided to answer that question by revealing that the vast majority of his division-1...