What Happens When Metastatic Breast Cancer Affects The Liver?

Parenting/ Health

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Breast cancer is considered metastatic when it has spread to other body parts, such as the liver. Approximately 30 percent of patients diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer will progress to metastatic disease. Metastasis from breast cancer occurs in the liver more often than any other organ. What Is MBC? MBC is a kind of breast cancer that is diagnosed at a late stage. Metastasis is the spread of breast cancer to other parts of the body, most often the liver, brain, and bones. It is still considered breast cancer even if MBC has progressed to the liver or elsewhere. What Happens When Breast Cancer Spreads To The Liver? Cancer metastasizes when malignant cells spread from the primary tumor to other body parts. Metastasis from breast cancer may occur almost everywhere in the body, although it most often affects: lymph nodes bones lungs liver brain There is some evidence to show that a person’s cancer is more likely to spread to the liver due to environmental factors. However, studies have yet to pinpoint the precise mechanisms through which breast cancer travels to the liver. How Often Does Breast Cancer Metastasize To The Liver, And Why? One in eight women will be...