‘What Is She Screaming For?’: Black Homeowner Feared for His Life As White Neighbor Fled His Porch Screaming, Called Cops, and Claimed She Didn’t Overreact Despite Viral Video Evidence

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When a white female neighbor ran from his front porch last November, screaming for help, she said she feared for her safety. DaMichael Jenkins, the Black man whose porch she fled from even after he told her the house belonged to him, said he, too, was scared. “Now I’m in fear,” Jenkins told Shannon Sharpe and Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson on their “Nightcap” podcast Tuesday. “I know what we face as Black men in America.” The wealthy real estate developer had just been racially profiled. In his own driveway, outside one of the larger homes in one of Ohio’s most exclusive neighborhoods. Michelle Bishop, right, made an apology video after accusing Mike Jenkins, left, of following her and trespassing on his own property. (Photos: Facebook) Bishop told her side of the story Saturday night, although the facts had already been established by Jenkins’ doorbell camera, which recorded their encounter. Bishop claimed she felt she was being followed while walking with her children and detoured to the Jenkins’ house in hopes of convincing whoever was trailing her that she was home. “Did I overreact? No, I don’t think so,” said Bishop, a fitness instructor who claims she’s “the furthest thing from a...