As backyard barbecues begin in neighborhoods across the city, so do the spring potholes, the loud outdoor parties, and the late-night barking. Here’s who to call when you are experiencing a problem in your neighborhood:
When there is a noise disturbance in my neighborhood
Indiana Municipal Code 391 covers a variety of noise disturbances not permitted within Indianapolis neighborhoods. Honking, yelling, animal noises such as dogs barking, loud vehicles and stereos all violate the Municipal Code when used in a way that disrupts or causes harm to citizens. Between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., construction and maintenance work are considered noise disturbances. Dumping garbage, loading and unloading equipment, steam whistles, and exhaust noises are all not permitted between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Hospitals, schools, churches and professional performances in a venue are all in violation if the sound travels more than a certain number of feet. If you feel that there is a violation or one of the above listed disturbances in your neighborhood, call 311, the non-emergency police line, to report a noise disturbance. For information regarding what is and what is not a noise disturbance, visit this page to learn more....