Why Are Young Black Americans So Apathetic About Politics?

News Talk

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NewsOne Featured Video Source: Frazao Studio Latino / Getty It’s an election year and I, as a young Black American, just can’t be bothered. Now before you get all sanctimonious on me, I’m going to vote this year. While I have no faith in the national races, I understand the importance of voting in my local and state-level elections. It’s hard to have much faith in American governance when the issues that directly affect me aren’t being acknowledged, the candidates are so old I’d be deeply concerned if either of them got behind the wheel of a car, and the politicians who actually want to enact change are undercut at every turn. The Issues That Affect Me Aren’t Being Acknowledged I don’t know any millennial or Gen Z’er who isn’t stressed about money. Now, money problems are nothing new, but the nature of ours is quite different than in years past. For reference, I’m 31. When I started college, the country was still recovering from the recession. When I was applying for entry-level jobs at the time, I was often competing with folks who had years of experience and were just looking for any kind of work to generate income. ...