By Keith BoykinWord In Black If you’re thinking of not voting in the November presidential election, let me give you one important reason why you should vote — the courts.Let’s say you’re a progressive who wants Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act and reparations for Black people. Trump opposes all these things, but Biden is too much of an incrementalist for you. So you decide not to vote. What’s the worst that could happen, right?Healthcare, environmental justice, police brutality and the future of the U.S. Supreme Court are all high-stakes issues tied to the 2024 general election. (Photo: Unsplash / Element5 Digital)
Well, if Trump is elected, he could appoint up to three new right-wing Supreme Court justices and hundreds of lower court federal judges. Why is that important? Because federal judges have lifetime tenure. Many join the bench when they’re in their 40s or 50s and stay in position for decades until they die or retire.That means that when the next president comes along in 2028, it will be virtually impossible to implement a progressive agenda. Any policies you support will be struck down by Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices and federal...