‘You’re Just Miserable!’: ‘Karen’ Gets Cussed Out Inside L.A. Police Station After Telling The Wrong Black Man to ‘Go Back to Africa’

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A Black man in Los Angeles faced one of the unluckiest days of his life at a local police station recently, but not because he had committed a crime — instead a woman was ahead in line, blustering and complaining about something he’d done. Video of the ensuing shouting match has since gone viral, showing the angry white woman getting set straight in the lobby and then being escorted out of the building after telling the Black man to “go back to the jungle” and “go back to Africa.” The woman apparently erupted after the man called her a racist, but the entire context of the fight is unclear, as whatever sparked the argument was not filmed. A video shows a woman shouting inside a police station. (Photo: Reddit screenshot/Public Freakout) Authorities have not identified either individual in the video, and while the man is never shown, his voice clearly indicates he does not tolerate any disrespect. During the profanity-laced argument, the woman fallaciously implied the man was an illegal immigrant simply because he was Black.& The man didn’t take lightly to the claims and basically cussed the woman out. When the officers didn’t react to her claims, she redirected...