You’re Not Ashy, You Have Ezcema…

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 64 Views 0 comments

For all the jokes made about “ashy” Black skin, Eczema is nothing to laugh at for many people in the Black community, especially when they are still disproportionately affected. Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is an inflammatory skin condition marked by dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, or blisters. Leaving this condition untreated may disrupt your daily life with a lot of discomfort, as even mild cases can present with severe itching. Doctors at Cleveland Clinic have found that people who suffer from eczema do so because of damaged skin barriers, which invites conditions for bacterial overgrowth. Because most advertising for eczema cream is targeted to lighter-skinned audiences, it’s less known that on darker skin eczema flare-ups appear as darker brown, gray, or purple patches that may take several months to return to normal pigmentation. Some tend to confuse eczema with heat rash, which may present similarly with clusters of red bumps, but is less likely to become chronic.  Two of the most common factors for developing eczema are genetic and environmental. Genetic mutations are passed through generations, which may explain the differences in the severity of eczema between Black people, non-Black people of color, and their white counterparts. RELATED:...