15 Warning Signs of Kidney Disease Black Folks Shouldn’t Ignore

Parenting/ Health

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Kidney disease disproportionately affects Black communities, with Black Americans nearly four times as likely to develop kidney failure compared to other racial groups. Many people don’t notice the early warning signs of kidney disease until the condition has progressed, making it vital to recognize symptoms and seek medical advice promptly. This article delves into 15 key warning signs of kidney disease that should not be ignored. RELATED: Why Am I So Tired? Step-By-Step Guide to Beat Fatigue 1. Unusual Fatigue: A Subtle Early Symptom Fatigue is one of the earliest and most common symptoms of kidney disease. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, toxins can build up in the bloodstream, leading to a persistent feeling of tiredness or exhaustion. What Causes Fatigue in Kidney Disease? Toxin Buildup: Impaired kidney function leads to an accumulation of waste products in the blood. Anemia: The kidneys produce erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that helps create red blood cells. When kidney function declines, EPO levels drop, resulting in anemia. When to Be Concerned: If fatigue persists even after adequate rest. When accompanied by other symptoms like shortness of breath or pale skin. 2. Swelling in Hands or Feet: When to Be Concerned Swelling, or...