3 Simple Ways To Stress Less

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 43 Views 0 comments

Discomfort is one thing, but stress can affect your health. It’s a well-known fact that stress can cause a host of very dangerous conditions.  RELATED: The Most Dangerous Effects Of Stress Regardless of the particular situation that stressing you out, here are some everyday tips for cutting that stress down…now. 1. Exercising is the most proactive thing we can do to combat stress and anxiety. Walking to the office or taking the stairs to your workplace will have an immediate impact on your body and mind. 2. Sleeping is another strong habit to reduce stress. Resting and waking regularly will help your body keep pace with your routine. 3. Taking a deep breath before the big presentation or some mind-numbing administrative work can work wonders too. Studies demonstrate that controlled breathing reduces stress hormones, which will make you and your colleagues much happier for the rest of the day.