4 Early Signs of Cancer Common in Black Folks
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 day ago 25 Views 0 comments
Understanding cancer is no easy feat.
Even to this day, there seem to be more mysteries than ever imagined, with every new discovery leading to new questions and concerns. That’s not to say there aren’t innovative treatments and prevention strategies. It simply means that cancer, in all its forms and presentations, will continue to challenge.
Fortunately, doctors and patients are rising to that challenge.
In Black patients especially, cancer is becoming better understood and treated. Given that cancers such as colorectal, lung, and prostate cancer are more common in Black patients, many specialists are now targeting these diseases like never before.
The first step in that process is identification.
So let’s dive right in. Here are four early signs of potential cancer that all Black patients can look out for…
1. Unexplained Weight Loss
Just because Black cancer patients face healthcare disparities doesn’t mean they need to be left out in the cold. If you’re worried that your health issues or changes may be something more than a passing problem, check the mirror.
Are you experiencing effortless weight loss? While this may be a nice thing for people struggling to shed pounds, continued weight loss of 10 or more lbs...