4 Tips To Get Sandal-Worthy Feet This Summer

Parenting/ Health

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It’s time to get your feet ready for the summer festivities. Spring is well underway. As we move into the warmer, joyous months of summer, we transition from rocking stylish leather boots to open-toe sandals and heels. The winter months can be harsh on your feet causing calluses and rough skin, but there is no need to worry! There are several simple and inexpensive ways that you can care for your feet and get them ready for their debut in the sun. RELATED: 12 Things Your Feet Say About Your Health foot care Use an exfoliating scrub to get your feet ready for summer Using brown sugar from your kitchen can act as an exfoliating scrub that will leave your feet feeling baby soft after scrubbing away dead skin. Make the brown sugar into a paste by putting a few drops of olive oil into two tablespoons of brown sugar. Apply to the feet with your hands and scrub away. Rinse with warm water and moisturize your feet after. Soak feet in Epsom salt for a summer revitalization Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) can help to revitalize tired feet and ease sore muscles. Add a half cup of Epsom salt to...