6 SCD Stereotypes the Black Community Needs to Know
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 4 months ago 63 Views 0 comments
An inherited blood disorder that can cause serious problems, Sickle Cell Disease unfortunately affects Black Americans disproportionately. And that’s where the problems begin. Because if you didn’t know, many stereotypes about Black sufferers of this disease are floating around, and most of them can be easily dispelled.
It’s a serious issue that demands serious consideration. So let’s get right into it.
Here are six stereotypes you need to know…
1. “It’s Just Pain—Suck It Up”
Many people think that the pain caused by SCD is not that bad or that it’s not much of a problem because it can easily be treated. This is not accurate. In reality, the severity of sickle cell pain can be intense and debilitating.
But first, you have to understand why. The reason the pain happens is because the red blood cells change shape, which can cause tremendous pain and serious blockage and organ damage.
So it’s more than just pain that comes and goes. It’s a pain that is based on a very real physiological change in the body and it needs to be discussed appropriately.
2. “Only Black People Get Sickle Cell Disease”
Unfortunately, this stereotype has gained traction in recent years, and...