9 Quick Leg Exercises That Really Work

Parenting/ Health

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You don’t need to have a lot of time to get a good leg workout in. These exercises target that area and really make you feel it without spending hours in the gym. CRAB WALK This exercise targets your triceps, core and glutes, as well as challenging your coordination. If you find that you have wrist discomfort, try turning your hands slightly to the side or take breaks to roll out your wrists. Make sure you keep your hips lifted off the floor for the duration of the exercise. LUNGES Start with your feet together and arms resting comfortably by your sides. Step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your front knee is at 90 degrees and your back knee is not touching the floor. Then, to complete the exercise, push off your front right foot while straightening your left leg. Keep your right foot off of the floor and balance with your right thigh parallel to the floor. PLANKS The plank has become one of the key go-to exercises to define your core, but you can also use it to workout your legs. If you are struggling to maintain the arms straight position try this...