ADHD: Treating Your Child Without Medication
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 3 months ago 38 Views 0 comments
ADHD is a neurobehavioral development disorder that affects both children and adults. In the U.S. alone, an estimated seven million (11.4 percent) U.S. children aged three to 17 years have ever been diagnosed with ADHD, according to a national survey of parents using data from 2022. ADHD is also prevalent among Black Americans and can have devastating effects long-term. For various reasons, we are often reluctant to accept certain mental health conditions as being a part of our community, and we may naturally reject any form of treatment available, especially medication.
Sure, there have been cases of misdiagnoses within our school systems, especially. However, if your child is experiencing symptoms related to ADHD, it is critical to seek out a licensed healthcare provider that can test for a potential diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
Contrary to what many people think, children with ADHD are often gifted. However, if gone untreated, the symptoms of ADHD can lead to a lifetime of underachievement in the most intelligent child.
Consistent forgetfulness, a lack of organization and attention, and problems with relationships can be devastating and get worse over time. Children and adults with ADHD will very often suffer from anxiety and depression...