By: Travis McGee
If you are reading this article the election is now over, so now what? Whether your candidate won or lost what’s your next move? Did you just go out and vote or did you “JUST VOTE” vs research and then vote to be educated on issues that matters and those that effect you. Either way it was your vote to make count or giveaway, hopefully you made it count locally as well considering it was much more than just who will be the president on the ballot. Every election you have a chance to research and then vote for your best interest whatever that may be. You even had voting options such as early voting, mail in ballots, voting in person, curbside, and etc. There are too many options for any excuses. Whether you are Democrat or Republican you basically have the same time frame to vote, however how you voted or who you voted for was totally up to you.
With all the time you had before election you should already know who and what you were voting for before you get to the polls and etc., why be bombarded with all kind of literature, I’m...