Almost half of evicted women and families in metro Detroit say they were illegally pushed out of their homes

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In many U.S. communities, eviction moratoriums that were in place during the pandemic have expired.& Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images by Shawnita Sealy-Jefferson, The Ohio State University Every year, 2.7 million households nationwide face a court-ordered eviction filing. Michigan has one of the highest eviction filing rates in the country, tied with Mississippi. Fourteen percent of all Michiganders who rent homes were threatened with eviction between 2006 and 2016. Due to historical and contemporary structural racism in the U.S., Black renters and their children are affected the most. For example, 20% of Black adult renters compared with 4% of White adult renters lived in a household that received an eviction filing. I am a Black woman, proud native and resident Detroiter, and tenured social epidemiology professor. Social epidemiologists like me are interested in naming specifically who and what is accountable for inequities in the health of different population groups. I’m interested in documenting root causes of community ill health to provide data-driven analysis to inform policy change, interventions and social activism. My project on evictions in metro Detroit is called the SECURE Study. Contributing to the study is a team of trainees, early-career researchers and a multigenerational community advisory board...