Another Voice: Black maternal health needs support and we can all help

News Talk

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As President & CEO of United Way of Buffalo & Erie County, taking time to focus on important community issues is something I consider critical. Periods where we focus on Black history and women’s history help us help us to use our curiosity and turn it into action. Trina Burruss is President & CEO, United Way of Buffalo & Erie County. As a daughter, mother of three girls, and grandmother of four, Black Maternal Health Week, which ends April 17, is an important time for me to reflect. The designation calls attention to issues that should be priorities all year long. Take for example the disturbing statistic that in New York State, black women are four to five times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause, and that in our community, we’re seeing similar mortality rates. What’s more, the CDC noted that more than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable. Let that sink in. These deaths are preventable. People are also reading… My hope is that this week encourages us to do more than just respond with “That’s terrible.” That we would take time to find out why our health systems filled with the best and brightest are seeing...