IF YOU’RE NEW TO THE JOB, sometimes there are certain things to avoid if you want to keep it. (Credit: Getty Images)
by& Amaka Watson
Houston Defender
Starting a new job is always exciting but can also be nerve-wracking. Whether stepping into a new office for the first time or joining a virtual team, the first few weeks can set the tone for your experience. You want to make a great impression, but that doesn’t mean you need to come in and change the world on day one. In fact, some of the best advice for a new job is knowing what not to do. Navigating the early days with caution, patience, and humility can go a long way in building a strong foundation for success.
We all want to hit the ground running, but it’s important to avoid common pitfalls that could hinder your progress or relationships. The first few weeks are a time for observing, learning, and integrating into the company’s culture. Avoiding certain behaviors can establish credibility and build trust with your new team.
Here’s how to set yourself up for long-term success by avoiding these rookie mistakes.
Don’t Act Like You Know Everything
It’s tempting to...