Beyond books: Essential health support initiatives to ensure every student thrives this school year

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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As the back-to-school season fast approaches, families, educators and communities begin focusing on preparing students for a successful academic year. Amid the frenzy of buying supplies and adjusting routines, there is an essential component of this preparation that extends beyond the classroom: comprehensive health support. One of the significant challenges faced by too many girls is period poverty and lack of access to basic hygiene products. Nationwide statistics indicate that one in five United States teen girls has missed school due to a lack of access to menstrual products. As a nonprofit managed care entity, CareSource has been proactive in assembling menstrual supply packs and general hygiene kits with Indy Hygiene Hub, which are then distributed to students who need them. These packs are often stocked in “comfort closets” within schools, ensuring that students have access to essential items without the stigma of needing to ask for help. This initiative helps them focus on their education rather than worrying about their personal hygiene, fostering a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. The Stronger Tomorrows program, in collaboration with Indianapolis Public Schools, is another crucial initiative aimed at supporting pregnant and parenting teens. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures...