Biden Abandonment in Full Swing

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

by Toter 54 Views 0 comments

The following article, Biden Abandonment in Full Swing, was first published on The Black Sphere. Joe Biden keeps getting swings at the tee ball. And he keeps whiffing. And nobody is surprised. The State of the Union was supposed to save Biden. “Just give a good speech,” Democrats implored from Biden. A low bar that even Biden couldn’t step over. Remember after the SOTU, the media proclaimed Biden was back. I felt like I watched that stupid movie, “The King’s Speech”, where everybody was impressed the King of England, well…spoke English. Biden got through the SOTU without falling completely flat on his face. But what is the state of the Union? It sucks, and it’s Biden fault. Strike One. Still, fast-forward and Democrats asked for the debate to be moved up. This after many Democrats suggested Biden not debate Trump at all. So Joe stepped up to the plate for another swing at the ball Democrats teed up for him. Remember, according to Democrats Trump is dumb and universally disliked. Plus, Biden had 16 advisers to prepare him for Trump. And with all that help, Biden blew it. Shit his pants for all the world to see. Biden performed so...