Black Children Are More Susceptible to Asthma, Here’s why
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 1 month ago 83 Views 0 comments
Impacting untold children across the world, asthma is the kind of condition that you can never be too careful about. Whether you have a mild case of the condition, or you struggle to breathe at all when things go wrong, every asthma sufferer understands one thing: asthma is no fun.
But it is treatable and it’s treatable in a way that allows many sufferers across the world to live normal, happy, fulfilling lives.
So why are Black children disproportionately affected?
If you’re trying to get a handle on this condition, wondering why it seems your child is struggling more with the condition than others, it’s not your imagination. As research indicates, asthma does affect Black children more often and more severely, and the reasons are complex…
Environmental Toxins
One of the main reasons for this disparity is the environment.
Unfortunately, many Black families live in areas where air pollution due to urban issues, problems with industrial sites, highway emissions, and other sources of contaminants can become a serious problem.
Poor air quality is one of the biggest predictors of asthma out there.
And then you’ve got what’s happening inside the home. Inside many homes in these areas, various triggers can...